
The Ski Ward Race Team season typically runs from early-to-mid December (as snow conditions allow) through the beginning of March. Ski Ward has snow making capabilities that help insure a full race season. Practices are held at Ski Ward on Friday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. for racers under 8 years old, and from 7:00 to 9:00 for racers who are 8 and up. Attendance at practices is not mandatory, but is encouraged so that racers are well-prepared and confident for race days.

Our experienced staff of volunteer coaches emphasizes solid skiing fundamentals, teamwork and sportsmanship, race strategy, and, above all, having fun. The following skills are taught at different degrees of awareness based on the skiiers/racers age & ability:

  • Balance Movements - keep body balanced over your feet while skiing & racing
  • Rotary Movements - learn the different turn shapes needed in racing
  • Edging Movements - edges control turns and edging skis directs where the skiier is going
  • Pressure Control Movements - apply various degrees of pressure to the boot to turn the ski